List of classic white people phrases
from worst to best
if you have any good ones please send them to me ^-^
white people have culture, its this stuff (not the weird shit statue heads post twitter). please just be goofy. anyways, the list:
- preggers
- doggo
- oh my giddy aunt
- uhmmm,,, awkward!
- whoa its like a blizzard out there
- awesome sauce
- malarkey
- ope!
- watch it buster
- listen here pal
- here's the kicker
- oh for pete's sake
- for crying out loud
- thats rich coming from you!
- *your name* in the house!
- news flash buddy!
- attaboy!!
- anywho
- nothing to sneeze about
- sorry to burst your bubble
- don't mind if i do
- geez louise!
- why i oughtta
- let's play it by ear
- you're looking chipper!
- scooch
- lets rock and roll
- i have a bone to pick
- you son of a gun
- let me squeeze past you
- big whoop
- yea big
- dang nabbit
- cowabunga
- legen - wait for it - dary
- you've got moxy, kid
- let's skiddadle
- the man, the myth, the legend
- the jig is up
- take a chill pill
- what's the damage
- hey wise guy!
- jeepers creepers
- workin hard or hardly workin?
- don't be a debbie downer
- heebiee jeebiees
- cool beans
- the bee's knees
- ~punk (derogatory)~
- ***no more mister nice guy***
- ☆☆☆☆☆get a load of this guy☆☆☆☆☆
special thanks to
- Ensix
- RedPanda
- lord mudcrab
- laura
- drake
- CJ
- Juniper
- amelune
- white people
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