some fun idea here: make it a whole seperate page, with it's own css
oh make it pixely cryptic, with winds sounds in 8 bit, very weird parts of undertale
the puzzle needs to be intreguing, like why would i wanna read through text then choose an option of left or right you know?
nah no cookies, if you wanna jump back to the beginning without back tracking then
"you will need to enable pop ups, sorry im not a game dev im just trying to make something fun"
calling it the labyrinth would be fun i guess
what is the reward? just the satisfaction of figuring out the puzzle i guess, can make a little nice peice of art on there
oh yeah it can be hinted in the beginning, something like how the minish cap has its story sorta obscured
yeah i guess i can write a little something there
this can also be a fun way to get more esoteric in general :D